Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I Want It Wednesday

Another Wednesday, another want. I went shopping this past weekend and found two pair of shoes that I wanted. I was so bummed when they didn't have either pair in my size. I mean really, neither pair in my size? What the....  So since then I've been looking everywhere for both pair, but at this point I'll be happy if I can get one pair in my size.

These are Jessica Simpson shoes and I've been wanting them forever and they were finally on sale and NOT IN MY SIZE. But I haven't given up hope yet, I'm still looking. Of course they have the blue and green ones in so many different sizes, but that's because they don't rock like these pink and purple ones do.

These are Chinese Laundry and I LOVE them. They change color from pink to purple to blue and are SUPER cute. They'll go with black, purple, blue and I'm sure whatever other color you through at them. Gotta have these. I'm hopeful that I can find both pairs in my size and that they will very soon be on the way to my house. When I told the hubs that I had found two pair while shopping Saturday, but they didn't have either pair in my size I think he blew a sigh of relief that I didn't get to add to my ever growing shoe collection, but I mean come on babe you should know me better than that. Did you really think I was going to give up so easily on two fantastic pairs of shoes? No a chance. And while yes, I admit that I am a bit of a shoeaholic, I can't help it. When I see really like shoes (case and point the above photos) there is something that just says "you have to have those". I think both pairs of these should really be staples in any womans closet, just sayin'. Well I'm off to do some online shopping to see if  I can find either/both pair wish me luck.

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