Saturday, April 30, 2016

Week In The Life 2015 (Saturday & Sunday)

 Hello, hello and happy Saturday! I actually finished my 2015 Week in the life album!!!!!! Before the next on starts on May 9th!!!!! Ya'll I really am excited that I got it done. And I really want to go back and finish my 2014 album too. It's a goal of my to get it done by the end of the years.
I didn't do anything amazing with the album as you can tell by the rest of the album and I'm totally ok with that. At this point all I cared about was getting the stories and memories and our routines down in this album. So if you want take a minute to finish looking at what our Saturday & Sunday looked like.

Wohooo!!! So glad that this project is complete and on the shelf. Now that I finished it and looking back on my uncompleted 2014 album I've figured out a few things for this project for 2016 and I'm really looking forward to documenting a week in our lives this year. Not to mention that the super cute kit that I ordered from Ali Edwards will make it that much easier to help me complete it a lot quicker or at least that's the reason I keep telling myself that's why I ordered it. :) Are you joining in this year?

Monday, April 25, 2016


 Got home pretty late last night from a girls weekend trip to Seattle where we had sooooo much fun!! It was our first time to go Seattle so we tried to make sure we did we all the touristy things. We missed a few things that were on our list, but we've decided that we'll just have to go back sometime.;)  Of course we hit up Pike Place Market numerous times while there. They have THE prettiest and chap flowers there!! If I lived in Seattle I'd have fresh flowers all over my house every week.
I have so many pictures that still need to be gone through and I need to decide how I want to document this fab trip. Have you ever been? What did you most enjoy about it? What is the one thing you would do again? What is one thing you wish you would have done?

Friday, April 8, 2016

Week In The Life 2015 (Thursday & Friday)

 Hey hey and happy FRIDAY!! I received my Week In The Life 2016 kit this week so I though since I had made a deal to actually finish my WITL 2015 before I even ordered the 2016 kit (and I didn't even do that) with myself, that I had to get it done before the end of the month, So I'm sharing Thursday and Friday today.
Most of our days are the same, normal, usual, sometimes kind of boring days. We get up, we go to work, we come home and do very normal things. While we don't live a life that always has something exciting going on, this is what our life look likes and I'm good with that! Only two more days to finish up with this album and then before you know it we'll be doing it all over again next month. Hope you have a great weekend.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Project Life - Week 8

Hey, hey welcome back. I've been having problems with blogger or my blog or maybe it's my computer or internet situation, who knows?? But I'm finally able to share week 8 today.

Once again mixing up the page protectors this week and I'm still loving it. 
I see that there is a pretty good glare on these pictures. Man I can't wait to get into some more space so that I'll have more options for trying to get pictures of my spreads. But for now I'm dealing with what I've got to work with. Now that there is still some daylight when I get home from work that'll help. Hope your have a great week!