Monday, December 31, 2012

A Camping We Will Go.....Goodbye 2012

This past weekend we decided to pack it up and head out camping to ring in the new year. Yes even with all the snow and freezing temps we headed out on Friday with the intention of staying till January 1, 13. But after waking up two mornings in a row with our water frozen and then waking up to freezing rain today (Monday) we decided to call it good and packed everything back up and headed home, thankfully we were only about 15 mintues from home so it wasn't a super long trip to get home.

 Now don't get me wrong I could do without the freezing temps, but all in all I had a good time. 

And I think that the snow just adds to the beaut of the park.

My brother and his family came up and hung out with us and this little one didn't mind one bit that it was freezing outside as long a were at the park, which was right by our camp.

Then we decided to go on a little adventure to see what the rest of the park looked like with all of the snow. I would have loved to go on a hike, but didn't want to chance getting lost. hehe!

The bridge to cross the little creek was closed off so we waded across it, thankfully it wasnt very deep.

I've got lots more pictures from our little camping adventure, but I'm off to party hardy -in a nice dry, warm, & cozy place- to ring in 2013.

Have a safe and fabulous night!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Project Life Weeks 48 & 49

Project Life

I am playing major catch up on my PL. I got so far behind once December started and my December Daily album started that I just knew that I'd be finishing PL 2012 after 2013 had started, but I think I just might be able to get caught up and have it finished before 2013 starts. We shall see. I do have weeks 48 and 49 I want to share today.

When I started working on this week I didnt even open my album before I started printing the pictures and then once I had all of my pictures printed I realized that I shouldn't have printed them all standard 4x6 but I was not about to go back reprint all of the pictures so I made it work which is one of the things I love about project life. So added all of the photos to the right side of the spread and all of the journaling to the left side.

Week 49

week 49 was a pretty good week, the best part was that I got my Cameo and I've been using that thing like crazy. I even did a few DIY Christmas gifts this year becuase of it and I've got so many more ideas I want to try. Can't wait. Thanks for stopping by. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It Was A White Christmas After All!

I was so hoping for a white Chirstmas and after raining ALL. DAY. LONG it finally started snowing and it was so pretty. I love when it snows, I always have. And the fact that we were up in the hills just made it that much prettier.

All of these were taking from inside our warm and toasty vehicle.

But we did venture out into it to snap a couple quick pictures of us and bout froze because we were not dressed for snow and the freezing cold, but for rain.

And because of all this white stuff we got a snow day which means no work and all play for me so I'm off to get bundled up and head outside. Hope everyone's Christmas was great!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

From Our Family To Yours......

We hope you have a Very Merry Christmas!!

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.  Isaiah 9:6.

Here's hoping that your Christmas was great and that you remembered the the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Savior. Peace on Earth and good will toward men.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Cookies For Santa?

I can't believe Chirstmas is here! How crazy is that? This past week I have done nothing but run around like a mad woman trying to get everything done and here I thought I had it all under control and wouldn't be an any rush trying to get stuff done. That was NOT the case at all, but hey that's part  of the fun too.  We've got four get togethers done and have one more to go (plus David and mine) in the morning.

I hope everyone is having a great Christmas so far and that tomorrow is even better.

And some brown paper packages tied up with string..... can't wait to give these out. Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

December Daily

I'm so far behind on both my December Daily and Project Life this month. I'm not sure I'll be caught up and done with one let alone both before 2013 starts. But I will get both done, at some point. I am working on getting caught up on my DD and wanted to share.

Last year was the first year I did a DD and I included some of the decoration I put and I wanted to include another page like that this year. I'm hoping next year to have added to the decoration box. We'll see.

I love to watch Chirsmas movies. I could watch them all year long, and A Chirstmas Story ranks hight on that list.

I could sit outside all night long and look at the lights if I could. I love all of the twinkle and could sit for hours just soaking it all in.

All I can say for day 8 is YUMMY!

I've been jamming to this CD all week long. I've had it for years and it's still one of my favs. WOW nine days down and I'm off to get started on day 10.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Some December Daily Happening Here

I really do like doing a December Daily album. Last year was the first year that I did one and looking back through it this year makes my glad I decided to do it again this year. Of course I'm behind on it, but I've got a couple of days to share and I'm working on getting caught on it.  December calendar was a printable from the Studio Calico 25 days class and it was just what I wanted to go in that spot. I just printed it out on a 4x6 photo paper and slipped it in. I'm stil upset that when I printed out my half of the Dear Santa letters it got off in the printer, but I went with it and used it anyway.

For day two I knew I wanted to use a big picture of our tree and so I resized it in photoshop and printed it at home. Nothing was going on on day three so I cut up a Christmas card that I have had forever and used it. I love the JOY circle and wanted that the be the focus for day three. My goal this year is to keep the album super simple and stree free. So far I have stuck to doing one page per day, but I'm sure that at some point I'll do a two page spread and the great thing about this album is that I'll be able to do that and it wont be a big deal.  I'll be sharing more just as soon as I get caught up and get pictures of the layouts done. Are you doing a December Daily? I'd love to see what your Chirstmas is looking like so far.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Preheated the oven


Decided today would be a good day to make cookies. I love to make cookies, chocolate chip, peanut
butter, no bake, but sugar cookies are not my thing. I love to eat the ones you get at Wal-Mart that has the BEST icing on them. YUMMY! But I'm not one to roll out the dough and use cookie cutters even though I have lots of cutters. I don't know what it is, I guess I'd just rather buy my sugar cookies because I know I'll like them and eat them. 

Even though I knew I was going to make peanut butter blossoms and David wanted me to make him some no bake cookies to send him, I thought I'd try my hand at sugar cookies and I of course went the easy way and am using Betty Cocker cookie mix we'll see how it goes. I've been on Pinterest looking for good cookie and icing receipes becuase I'm a firm believer that the icing is what makes a sugar cookie. I do believe I have found a winner that I'll be trying out sometime and I'll let you know how that goes. But for now here are the blossoms that I know are good.

And I will neither comfrim nor deny that I have already eaten three of them. You'll never know.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Dear Santa,

I've been a pretty good girl this year if I do say so myself. So I've made up my wish list for Christmas. I may add to it as the month goes on, but for now these are at the top of my list.

1//iPAD , 2//Hunter rainboots, 3//SELPHY printer, 4// camera wrist strap, 5//Jo Totes camera bag, 6//Phone lenses, 7//some more phone lenses, & 8//Polariod Z340 instant camera.

XO, me

Sunday, December 2, 2012

December Daily & Project Life Week 47

Well hello December. Only four more weeks of 2012!!. This year I decided to do the December Daily project once again and I can already tell that I will get behind on both project life and DD and that there maybe a day or two that I end up using the same picture for both project and I am OK with that. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. I really wanted to use the DD kit that Studio Calico and Ali Edwards did together (again this year), but didn't need to spend the money on it, so I picked up a red Doodlebug Design inc. 8x8 album and some page protectors at Hobby Lobby on sale to use. And so far I'm loving it and the possibilities that I can do with it. I decided to go super simple with the cover and I'm loving it.

On the spine I just used some washi and white numbers for the year.

And the intro page. I really like how this turned out. The top and bottom are for 4x6 sized pictures so I just sewed down the middle of the top slot added the sequins and rhinestones to left side and sewed across the top to keep them in. I'm sure I'll be doing again somewhere along the way. I created the "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" in photoshop and then printed it out, easy. I know it's already Dec 2 and I dont have either day done, but I will and I will be posting as I go. I may even link up to Ali Edwards linky party!!

Project Life

Week 47 was Thanksgiving week and it was a great week.

David talked me into getting up before sunrise to go hunting with him. If he could he would go hunting or fishing everyday and I love him for always asking me to go with him. Even though he knows I'm not a morning person, I don't like to get up before the sun, I don't like to freeze my butt off, and I can not for the life of me be quiet when I'm supposed to be. But it makes me happy that even though he knows all that, that he still wants/asks me to go with him. I will admit that I splet most of the morning. We did see some deer, but didn't get one. Maybe next year.