Monday, February 22, 2016

Project Life - Week 4

Moving right along with Project life. This week wraps up January. 
The first part of the week is how on Sunday afternoon I got back home, back in my pj's, with left over donuts from the morning and a new book. Still getting pretty cold of  a night and having frost of a morning. Tuesday I had a dentist appt to have  crown put on and came home looking like this. The picture cracks me up, but I always look like that when I leave the dentist yet another reason why I don't like going. 
On Wednesday I went to the laundry mat and took my planner and a few supplies to work on it. It makes the time go faster when I have something to do if I go by myself. The weather over the weekend was perfect and we spent so much outside soaking up the sunshine both Saturday and Sunday riding the side by side. We got the side by side earlier in the month on the 14 and this was the first time we got to actually ride it. It really is a lot of fun. I'm really looking forward to Spring so that we can ride it more. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Valentines Mini Album

Hello and happy Tuesday. I hope y'all had a fantastic Valentines weekend and of course day off yesterday (if you were one of the lucky ones to be off). I had an extra long weekend, 4 days and I was NOT wanting to go back to work today. I was pretty productive this weekend and managed to actually start and finish our Valentines mini album and have almost completed my December daily album too.  A very good weekend in deed. And if you haven't had enough love, hearts, pink and flowers from the weekend then get a cuppa whatever you drink and have  a look at this super simple, but full of love mini, its a long one.

If you made it to the end, thanks for hanging in there. That's a lot of love in one mini album. I have to say I'm shocked that I actually started and finished this album all in the same weekend that it covers. Having a Monday off and not getting out of my pj's made for very productive day. I even managed to finish up my December daily album. I'm so ready to get some of my unfinished projects done and put up. Hope you have a great day. Thanks for stopping by.  

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Project Life - Week 3

Happy Valentines day weekend!! Any big plans for the weekend to celebrate or are you against the holiday? Me personally I LOVE IT. Any holiday that involves flowers (even though I tell the husband not to buy be flowers for this holiday) and candy is a big YES in my book. Not I believe you have to do something special on just one day a year. All through out the year is an even bigger YES! in my book.
But enough about lovers day and the heck yes or heck no, I wanted to hop on today to share week 3.

Another simple week. Once again I'm down with that and will probably keep it simple all year long. There are so many unfinished projects I've going on that I need to get completed and if keeping my PL album simple is what helps me get the others done then so be it. I hope you have a fantastic weekend and that you get a giant box of chocolates from your love, if not go buy yourself a box!!!