Monday, January 26, 2015

Project Life 2015 & week 1

Good morning! and welcome to my project life 2015. After some decision making on what/how I wanted to document this year I finally decided to keep the album 12x12. Ok, ok mostly because I fell in love with this album. I mean how freaking cute is that?? While I'm keeping the album 12x12 I've decided that I'm not going to just use 12x12 page projectors. I was looking back through some of my other project life albums and I've  noticed that there are some weeks where there aren't that many photos and I had to "fill" up the pocket with other stuff. While I want to keep this project all about the photos, and stories of our everyday lives,  I also want to try to simplify the process. I don't want to spend hours and hours working a week because I didn't take that many pictures at the time. So with that comes different size page protectors for those weeks that I just don't have a lot to tell/share. I am really looking forward to seeing how this works out. I will still be using some of my favorite design A page protectors and other 12x12 ones when the need calls for it. I'm really loving the way that Stephanie Bryan    is planning on documenting 2015, but I know that the chances of me doing something like that probably wouldn't work out so this is my plan for now. We'll see how the year goes. And now onto week one.....

 What are your plans for 2015? How will you be documenting it? Will you be documenting it?

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Poject Life weeks 51 52 & 53

Yep, you read the title to this post correct, weeks 51-53! But that's because I messed up my weeks at the start of the album and ended up 53 weeks. Hey, it is what it is. Anyways like I said yesterday I was hoping to get the last few spreads posted today so that tomorrow I could share my 2015 plans. 
And DONE!! Finally. I'm really looking forward to this project in 2015 and will be back tomorrow to share my plans/ideas and first week in the album. Thanks for stopping by my little space on the web.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Project Life weeks 49 & 50

Hope your Saturday has been/is great! I wanted to try and get the rest of my Project Life 2014 on the blog so that come Monday I can start to share my 2015 plans and album ideas.
Week 49 started off with taking some Senior pictures of my nephew. (still can't believe I have another graduating high school this year) and ended with another OU game. Fun times!
And week 50 was about some super fun times and not so fun times with David getting sick in the middle of the week and thinking that we would have to cancel our weekend trip, but guess it was just a 24 hr bug because as you can see (and from my December daily album) we went and had a great time. I'll be back with the last couple spreads of 2014 tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Project Life weeks 47 & 48

What day is it??!? LOL Popping in real quick to share two more weeks of my PL album today.


This week it SNOWED!!!! Pretty sure I blogged about it waaaaay back when it happened LOL, but it still makes me happy happy.
And this week was Thanksgiving and a shot from our Christmas card photo shoot. Happy hump day. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

December Daily: the rest

December daily, oh how I love/hate this project, but mostly love it. It seems that since it's just David and me there really isn't a need or reason to do a DD album and project life all in one month. But this is the fourth year that I've done this album and each year I think it gets fuller and fuller. So for now I'll keep on doing a DD album and weekly spreads in my project life album too. Having four days off is the perfect time to be able to finish up some projects. Nope my house is NOT clean, not even a little and I probably should have used one of those days to clean it I didn't. I will say that I did do all the laundry and its put away. Putting it away is really the pain for me, I just don't like to put it up. I don't know why or what the deal is with that. That's a post for another day. I want to share days 15-25 so here goes.
I added my journaling for days 20 & 21 in this envelope and I love how it turned out. I need to invest in some more envelopes and start doing this in my mini albums.
Whew done! Thanks for hanging in there until the end. I really do  love looking back at past albums and seeing what we did that the was same and what was different from other years. Still can't believe that Christmas has come and gone and that we are already INTO 2015. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Project Life weeks 45 & 46

Welcome back to some more project life pages. I hope everyone had a great long weekend, I know I did and I'm already dreading going back to work tomorrow. But what can you do? I did manage to finish my 2014 project life WHOOP WHOOP!! I'm super excited about that and I'm working on my December Daily so hopefully I'll get that posted.

Week 45 just happened to be my birthday week!!! This was a very good week. It started off with beautiful weather, a play at the theater, MY BIRTHDAY, date night and an OU game.
And week 46 wasn't too bad either. But then again you can't go wrong with apple pie right? YUM! I still have decided on how I'm going to document 2015, 12x12, 9x12, or something else. It seems like a lot of people are going to 9x12. Decisions decisions. I'm going to give it some more thought, but not to long since I'm already behind on getting starting. :)

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Project Life week 43 & 44

Happy Saturday and Happy LONG WEEKEND!! You know I'm all about long weekends and this one just happens to be a 4 day weekend for me and I'm loving it. My goal for this long weekend to finish up several of my 2014 projects that I've got going and have had going for oh, to long. Stating with getting my project life 2014 completed and I'm on week fifty-one so I'm so close. Then I've got big plans to complete my December Daily, Week in the life, and my This is me album. Which of course means no cleaning and very little laundry will get done, but I'm totally ok with that! :)
Thought I'd start off with sharing weeks 43 & 44 today and go from there. I really like the way that week 43 turned out, there's just something about the colors for this week that makes me happy.
Week 44 was a pretty good week too. Started off pretty and sunny and ended up getting pretty cold. Thanks for stopping by today, guess I better get back to list of projects so that I can hopefully finish them or at least get a couple of them done. I'll be back to share more soon.