Thursday, March 22, 2012

Project Life weeks 1 & 2

Project Life
I'm finally getting caught up on Project Life 2012. I got super behind because the photo pocket page protectors I wanted to use have been out of stock since December. They did get a shipment of them in in February, but they sold out within no time. I thought I had been checking Amazon on a daily basis, but somehow I missed out. So I decided I wasn't going to wait till the next shipment which is in April or May. I ordered the variety pack one and have been having so much fun with all the different styles of photo pockets. This year is nothing like last years and I am OK with that.

Last year I wanted to do a photo a day and I think I missed less than five days, not bad. This year I've decided that I'm not going to stress over making sure that I have a picture for everyday. I do still pick up my camera daily and take pictures, but there have been days where I didn't use a picture. I've got weeks 1 & 2 to share now and will be posting the other weeks in the next couple of days.

* I took these pictures at night so they are a little dark, but since I'm two and a half months behind I decided to post them anyway in hopes of getting all caught up and only having to post one week at a time. Sorry about that.

Week 1

Week 2

I'll be back with weeks 3 & 4 tomorrow. Are you doing project life?

1 comment:

  1. I am waaaay behind on commenting. I will try to get caught up. I love the picture of the shoes (and the shoes themselves). Tucker and Dale vs. Evil! Love it! Kathryn doesn't know what she's missing. :)

    I really think the PL is a cool thing to do.
