Friday, March 9, 2012

Being An Aunt

 It is so much fun being an aunt. I get to spoil the kids like crazy and then send them back to their parents. It ROCKS!!! I'm sure the parents don't like it one bit, but hey that's life and that's just the way I roll. I have nine nieces and nephews ranging from 17 yrs to 1 yrs old. I love them all to pieces.  Each one of them is different in every way and that is what makes them all great.  Seeing them grow up and watching who they become is one of the best things in life. I hope they all know that if they ever need anything that David and I will always be here for them. I hope and pray that one day the Good Lord decides to bless us with one of our own, but if for whatever reason he doesn't then I'll continue to  love these guys like my own.

I will admit with the oldest one being seventeen years old and a Junior in highschool I sure do feel old. hehe!

PS. I sure do want one of my own, but for now I'll settle for being Aunt Stacie.

1 comment:

  1. I like your layout. Especially like the listing of their names. Good job!
