Friday, March 23, 2012

Project Life week 3 & 4

Project Life

I've got weeks 3 and 4 today. I really do love this project. I enjoyed doing it last year and was very excited to get started on it this year. Again I'm not stressing over it. I'm keeping it very low key and just going with the flow.

Week 3

Week 4

I've got weeks 5 & 6 next. I'm hoping to have be completely caught up by the end of next week. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Memories! That was the first time I went to IKEA and the first time you ate at The Cheesecake Factory. I forgot that we both got some of those lanterns. I may have to borrow yours for the par-tay next weekend if you don't mind.

    I think the coolest thing about PL is that you keep track of these little moments and years later when you are looking through the book it will bring back all these things you never would have remembered otherwise.
