Monday, April 23, 2012

Celebrating 90!

Yesterday we celebrated David's grandmother's 90th birthday (her birthday was actually today). I know right, 90! I just hope and pray that if I live that long I look as good and get around as good as she does. She is a great woman and I'm glad that I get to call her family. The celebration was after church and so many people came out to wish her a Happy Birthday. I think she really enjoyed it.

I was asked to make a cake to feed 100+ people and this cake is what I came up with. Nothing over the top, but David's Grandmother and everyone else seemed to really like and that's what counts right? Looking at these pictures though I see that the bottom ribbon wasn't even, but oh well. I took the picture before they had the table done, that's why there is only nuts on there and nothing else.

I just want to say HappyBirthday to her and to everyone else that has a birthday this month.

1 comment:

  1. I like what you came up with! You were able to merge the theme with flowers. Yay!
