Monday, August 12, 2013

A weekend recap

A little weekend recap this Monday morning. This weekend was a lot of fun. Friday we went out to where they are building the house just to check out the progress and by next week we should have walls up and I am sooooooo ready to see that happen. When we first got there and I got out to see where they are set up to do the foundation on the house all I could say was "there is NO way that that spot is big enough for our house. Are you kidding me? They had to have messed up and didn't get it right. Are you sure that they were looking at our plans?" I was almost in tears because it looks so small and all I could think was our house is going to be too small. :( But David came to the rescue and broke out the tape measure and reassured me that it would in fact all fit. So I feel a little better, and will feel one hundred percent when I see the walls up.

And Saturday I drug David kicking and screaming to a Bruno Mars concert. Ok so he wasn't that bad, but he's not a major fan like I am, but he went with me just the same. That's ♥ in my book.  I took my camera but didn't take one single shot with it. All the pictures I did take were with my phone. Oh where would we be with out smart phones? Bruno Mars was fantastic. You always worry about how someone sounds live and he is just as good if not better live, then he is on a c.d. He and his band put on a great show and I'm sure it would have been great up to the very end except for the fact that the lady sitting next to me had on the worst smelling lotion that caused me to get a headache then to get full blown sick and I knew that if we didn't leave when we did that I would have gotten sick on all of those people that were sitting next to me. I'm still not happy about having to leave before the show was up, but I've already decided that the next time he comes close I'll just have to go see him again. ☺

But of course he and I survived the concert and the ride home. And Sunday was a pretty lazy day.

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