Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Project LIfe Week 23

Sharing week 23 today. Not a lot going on this past week, but that's ok. Of course the biggest thing that happened this past week was David's birthday.  If you have any questions about this project you should really head over to Becky Higgins' blog where she explains everything from how she came up with the idea for PL to what it's about and how to get started. She even has a design team for inspiration. Lots of good stuff over there. Anyway here is week 23.

Made these shark cupcakes for Melissa's, a lady I work with, little boy's birthday. This pictures isn't great, but it's all I've got. I also did a smash cake that had a big shark fin coming out of it, but I didn't take any pictures of it. I have no idea what I was thinking. I love to do cupcakes and when she asked me to do cupcakes I was super excited. I can get cupcakes whipped out in no time, but OMG every time I turned around something was going wrong while I was trying to get these done. I managed to get them done and both her and her son seemed to really like them. I hope so.

On Saturday I went a luncheon for a lady that I work with who is retiring. She's not retiring  because she wants to, but because she is losing her eyesight and has too. It's a sad situation, but she seems to be in good spirits and is going with the flow. I wish her all the best and I hope that she doesn't let this get her down.

That's all I've got today. Thanks for stopping by.

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