Monday, August 26, 2013
Life lately has been all about changes around here. If you read this post then you know a few weeks ago David had his first real interview ever, but what you wouldn't know is that he got the job!!! We are super excited about it and after 8+ yrs of marriage of him working off and only being home for a little bit here and there, we are finally going to get to see what it's like to be a real life married couple (hehe) with all kinds of changes that we both are going to have to get used to.
Changes of seeing nasty work boots at the door everyday
Changes in learning to share our space 24/7 now.
Changes in cooking every day.
Changes in doing way more laundry and way more often.
Changes in making/packing lunches daily in scratched up lunch boxes.
Changes in there being way more junk food in the house. I can so get used to this though because I used to not buy it because I'd be the only one to eat it, now I've got help.
Changes in sharing the t.v.
Changes in sharing the bed.
Changes in 12 hour rotating shifts (yeah, that's going to be a pain to try to get used too)
Changes in the daily routine.
Changes in the two of us living in the trailer full time. (hurry up house)
All of these changes and so many more. But we are a strong couple and will get through this and learn new routines and how to basically live together as a married couple. Its a whole new chapter in our lives and I can't wait to get started.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Project Life Week 30
Back to share week 30 of project life. This week was pretty busy and the weekend was oh so fun!
Really the weekends aren't long enough. David got home from being gone off working and that is always something I try to document. National hot dog was celebrated of course at Sonic with a $1 hot dog, not a bad way to spend lunch.
We finished off the week with David having his first ever actual interview for a job. Every other job he's ever had plus the one he's had for the past 8 + yrs he just sort of got without having to interview (lucky him). And with a little family trip to Hot Springs, AR. We spent Saturday at Magic Springs and thankfully the weather was fab, not to hot at all. Plus the water park helped with that too. :) David and I hung out for the Theory of a Deadman concert. They were pretty good. It was a pretty good week.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Tote ♥ // DIY
Good Monday morning to you! I thought today I'd share a DYI on some totes that I made for all four of our nieces birthdays. They were super simple and fun to make. The hardest part was deciding on what I wanted to put on them. Since this was my first time trying to do this I went with a big old heart because, well it was the easiest thing I could think of and I thought it worked out for little girls.
For this DYI all you need is a tote, iron, freezer paper, some paint, a foam paint brush, and I got lazy and bought the iron on letters for the initials, and a die cutting machine, I used my Cameo to cut out the heart.
Step 1- iron the tote to get rid of some of the wrinkles.
Step 2- cut out the shape you want to use using the freezer paper then iron it onto the tote (shiny side down)
Step 3- using whatever color you want, paint the cut out shape. I had to do two coats to make sure that the entire area was covered and you couldn't see the color of the tote peeking through
Step 4- let the paint dry completely.
Step 5- here is where I got lazy and instead of cutting out the initials and doing more painting I just bought the iron on letters. I picked these up at Hobby Lobby. Place them where and how you'd like them to look on tote and follow the instructions on the packages to iron them onto the tote.
Step 6- Ta-da. A cute and easy gift to give out.
I really like this project and I have so many other ideas that I want to try. I know some people have made throw pillows or dish towels and I am going to give that a try too. The possibilities really are endless. Now its your turn to go give it try. Good luck.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Don't you agree...
I think every Friday should start with a chocolate cupcake. I mean just the fact that its Friday should be reason enough to celebrate right? I totally think so. And if you are wanting to start the day off in a good way cupcakes are the way to do that. I'm at least going to put this theory into motion today and see how the day goes. Meet my breakfast.....
And when I got up this morning it was rainy which was not a good thing since they are suppose to do the slab for the house today, but I ate my cupcake and thankfully it only drizzled and has stopped. So far my theory is correct. Guess I'll see how the rest of the day goes. Happy Friday!! Hope you have a good one.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Wordless Wednesday
I've never done a wordless Wednesday post, but today has been a day alright and I thought wordless was just what was needed. Up and out the door by six A.M. at the hospital for several hours (my grandmother had a procedure done and she is doing great) way longer than I thought it was going to take, then off to do some shopping for the new house. And let me just say that this house is going to cause me to become a drinker. hehe But I am glad that today is over. Now if the weekend will just hurry up and get here. So much for wordless huh? Happy Wednesday!
Monday, August 12, 2013
A weekend recap
A little weekend recap this Monday morning. This weekend was a lot of fun. Friday we went out to where they are building the house just to check out the progress and by next week we should have walls up and I am sooooooo ready to see that happen. When we first got there and I got out to see where they are set up to do the foundation on the house all I could say was "there is NO way that that spot is big enough for our house. Are you kidding me? They had to have messed up and didn't get it right. Are you sure that they were looking at our plans?" I was almost in tears because it looks so small and all I could think was our house is going to be too small. :( But David came to the rescue and broke out the tape measure and reassured me that it would in fact all fit. So I feel a little better, and will feel one hundred percent when I see the walls up.
And Saturday I drug David kicking and screaming to a Bruno Mars concert. Ok so he wasn't that bad, but he's not a major fan like I am, but he went with me just the same. That's ♥ in my book. I took my camera but didn't take one single shot with it. All the pictures I did take were with my phone. Oh where would we be with out smart phones? Bruno Mars was fantastic. You always worry about how someone sounds live and he is just as good if not better live, then he is on a c.d. He and his band put on a great show and I'm sure it would have been great up to the very end except for the fact that the lady sitting next to me had on the worst smelling lotion that caused me to get a headache then to get full blown sick and I knew that if we didn't leave when we did that I would have gotten sick on all of those people that were sitting next to me. I'm still not happy about having to leave before the show was up, but I've already decided that the next time he comes close I'll just have to go see him again. ☺
But of course he and I survived the concert and the ride home. And Sunday was a pretty lazy day.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Project Life Week 29
I'm back to yep, you guessed it, share another week of Project Life. I've decided that only posting PL posts is really doing nothing for this blog and that I need to get out there and start getting new ideas to post, because seriously even I'm getting tired of only posting about PL too. ☺ But for now here is week 29.
This week was all about...
*Trying out the whole head wrap craze and I love it. I will be picking up more thin scarfs and hopefully even an actually head wrap or two and be wearing these the rest of the summer.
*We are finally starting to see some progress on the land where we are going to build and I am super excited to see even more progress in the next few week.
*listening to it rain.
*pretty trees
*laundry and loads of it
*at the park
*and at the park again.
Still can't believe we are in August!! It'll be Halloween before we know it, then Thanksgiving and Christmas. Seriously where does the time go? I'd swear Monday thru Friday the days were sooooo long, but then I turn around and poof another month has gone by. On a happy note tomorrow is Friday and that always makes me happy. Maybe time flies because I'm always rushing for the weekend to get here.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Project Life week 26 & 28

This week was all about the lake, a birthday party, donuts, and shopping for the house.
Week 28
This week was you guessed it, the lake, yummy snacks, a HUGE mess made by Gunner (which got him into a butt load of trouble), and the lake again. Both of these weeks were pretty full and super fun. Now that I'm back on track as far as weeks go I feel a lot better. LOL
Monday, August 5, 2013
Wanted to share....
I wanted to share something other than a project life spread. :) So I thought I'd share a couple of layouts I did over the weekend. This first one is pretty simple, but at least the memories are documented right?
And this one I did trying to use up some old Dear Lizzy supplies that I've had forever. The best way to do that is just to through it all on the page right? I still have a lot of Dear Lizzy's first collection that I need to use up so I'm thinking i have to make a mini album to use it a up. That's all I've got for today hope your Monday was great.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Project Life week 25 & 27
Yep you read the title if this post right. I'm sharing weeks twenty-five and twenty-seven today because I just realized that I failed to photograph week twenty-six. What can I say, things have been a little crazy around here.
Week 25 was the week of Father's Day, but my dad was out of town working so no picture of him. Even if he was home I'm not sure i could have talked him into one. LOL
And the week ended with a Little Big Town concert. They were very good. I wouldn't mind seeing them again. I've been a fan of theirs since the beginning.
Week 27
This week was pretty full with the Fourth of July and being off work.
Gunner thinks he's a lap dog still even though he weighs fifty pounds, crazy dog.
The end of the week was the busiest part of the week, with the rodeo, lake days, stilling deciding on stuff for the house, and ending with a very funny movie. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you've had an awesome week!!
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