Sunday, October 28, 2012

Project Life

Project Life

I can't believe there are only a few more days left in October. The end of 2012 will be here before we know it. I am one hundred precent caught up on PL, so caught up in fact that I have already started on week 44 (this week) and already have pictures in it. I do believe that's a first for me this year and I love it. I'm hoping to stay this caught till the end of the year. We shall see, but for now here are a couple weeks for you.

Week 41

What? You mean I'm the only one who reads while she cooks? I don't believe it.

Wee 42

The two packages at the door was a great way to start the week off. I did a little b-day shopping (yeah so what if it's a little early? It wasn't that early.) The cutterpillar was on my I Want It Wednesday and they finally got them back in stock so I ordered one and (don't tell my husband) I've been playing with it and LOVE it. The boots was also something that I ordered for my b-day and I'm still on the fence about them. One minute I like them and think I'll keep them then the next I want to send them back. But the more I try them on the more I'm liking them so I'll probably keep them. David hasn't said to much about if he likes them or not. So I'm guessing he doesn't hate them, which is good.

I didn't take a lot of pictures this week so the free printables that Becky Higgins has over on her blog was just what I needed to complete this week and I love all of the cards, so cute.

Week 43

And the best thing about last week was that after weeks and weeks of being off working David was finally home. Love when he's home. He better not stay gone that long again. Well that wraps up another PL post and again gets me all caught. Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hello NYC

I'm finally getting around to scrapping some of our pictures from our NYC trip all while planning our trip back there so we can actually do some of the things on my list. I don't usually do two page layouts, well mostly because it takes me forever t finish a one page layout that trying to get two pages to look like they go together really takes me forever. But I did it and I must say that I am happy with the way it turned out.

Here is a look at the left/title page.

And a look at the right page. I used up one of my older Studio Calico kits that I had pieces left that were just laying around that needed to be used. All of our pictures from this trip can be found here and here . 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Project Life Week 39 and 40

Project Life

Finally getting around to posting weeks 39 and 40. I'm not sure why it's taking me this long to get pictures of these weeks other than just being lazy. But I finally got around to it and thought I'd get them posted. So here they are.

Week 39

Not too much going on this week. I was going through my summer and winter clothes trying to get my closet cleaned out and just trying to get rid of stuff. I was also trying to get my Fall decor out up to.

Week 40

This was the week that Bethany and I headed up to Black Mesa to our hike. I'm off to try and get some work done. Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Boo- DIY

I've been wanting to make something decorative for Halloween for a couple of weeks now, but since I live an hour from a craft store my options are Wal-Mart or Wal-Mart. Needless to say that they don't have a lot of crafty things to choose from. But I managed to to pick a project that I've been wanting to do and they had everything (not exactly what I was going for, but close enough) that I needed to get a really simple and quick DIY project done. So with my supplies in hand I headed home and set to work.

Step 1 and 2 are basically the same. I first started by painting the block black all over and then once that was dry I went over it with oragne. The glow orange didn't work so I switched to a pure orang color.

Step 3- Then I used my Circut to cut out my letters. Here is where I was wishing that I had a Silhouette Cameo to use. It's on top of Christmas list though. So here's hoping!!

Step 4- I used my XYRON to make stickers out with my letters.

And then added the letters where I wanted them.

 I then picked out a couple border stickers to use

Step 5- I cut them to the size I wanted/needed and added them to the cover. After I had everything on the front the way I wanted it I went over the entire front with Mod Podge just to seal it really good so I wouldn't have to worry about any of it coming off.

Step 6- I cut a piece of ribbon and used my hot glue gun to attach it to the back. And you're done! Hang it wherever you want. After I was finished and was looking at it, all I could think of was that it was  kind of plain and wished I had some purple bling or rhinestones to add to it. I'm hoping the next time I'm in a craft store I'll remember to pick some up and then I can either add them to it now or wait till next year.  I know its a super simple and easy project, but with the limited supplies I could find this will have to do. Have you made anything for Halloween or Fall? I'd love to see it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


October is breast cancer awareness month and while I have not had anybody close to me affected by this type of cancer, I have had several members of my family die from other types of cancer. So I'm all about showing support for cancer research and hope that one day there will be a cure for all types. Today at work we decided to show our support for breast cancer awareness by having a staff lunch and bringing pink desserts and wearing pink.

 I couldn't decide what type of pink dessert I wanted to make and when that happens I always go with cupcakes. I love cupcakes, they are easy to make and are just plain cute. I decided to spruce up them and make some toppers to go on them. I love the way a cute topper can change everything. It took me about thirty minutes to make 24. I can't decide which I like best though.

I've also been wanting to try to make chocolate covered marshmallows and they were super easy and yummy to boot! I'll for sure be making these again.

Here's to breast cancer awareness and hope for a cure.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Black Mesa

We got up pretty early Saturday morning so we could get to Black Mesa and get the 8 mile hike under way and over with. Let me just say that we checked the weather earlier in the week and it showed that it was supposed to be in the fifties. We thought we can handle fifty degree weather so it wasn't going to be a problem. Well when we got up not only was it thirty-seven degrees, but it was also raining. Talk about flipping cold. But we went ahead and took off for Black Mesa. We found the ranger's station and talked to the ranger just to make sure that that type of weather didn't mean we couldn't hike and it didn't.

Our first stop was the overlook and let me just say that this was the point where I was so cold that I didn't know if I would be able to do it. But I put on another pair of socks and a fleece jacket and thought ok I can do this.


 We finally found where the trail started and even though it had stopped raining it was still cold because the wind was blowing, but we took off anyway.

They did have these benches at every mile marker, you know to take a break if you needed to (I needed too hehe).

This little flower was just sticking up and looked so bright that I had to take a picture of it.

Almost to the top. It was a long four miles let me tell you.

But we made it!!!

And it was even colder up there. My hands were so cold I'd be willing to bet that what I wrote in the notebook you can't even read, but oh well I know I was there and did in fact sign it. Then we had to go back the four miles to. Needless to say it didn't take as long to go down as it did to come up. While I froze my butt off, I'm glad that I did this and can now say that I have been to the highest point in Oklahoma. My next weekend road trip won't involve hiking though. hehe

It rained off and on all day and this is what my pants looked like by the time we made it back to the car. Have you ever had to hike with 10lbs of mud hanging off of you? It doesn't help I can tell you that.

Since we were only fifteen miles from Colorado we drove to the stateline to get a quick picture. I love Colorado and have family that live there. I've been trying to talk my husband into moving there for  awhile now and he isn't having it. Maybe in time! Then we had the 10+ hr drive back home. All in all it was a good weekend. I had a lot of fun.