Monday, April 29, 2013
Project Life Week 15
Here's week 15.
This week was pretty busy. Starting with the 7K and trying to get the house packed up and ready to be moved. And of course Gunner, being Gunner. He got a hold of that hanger and was playing with it and then all I hear is him having a fit so I go to check on him and find him like that. "It's a good thing he is so cute". That dog cracks me up, I love him.
Followed by a little road trip to spend time with some friends. So much fun!! I think this may be one of my favorite weeks so far. Hope the rest of your week is a good one.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Currently I am.....
Drinking - water. I'm going on no coke for four days and let me just say that I NEED A COKE!! But am gonna try to not drink any until we head out for vacation
Eating - my diet shakes
Reading - nothing. I need to either go to the library or get my kindle out
Wearing - my sweaty workout clothes
Wishing - that our vacation would hurry up and get here already
Watching - Elementary
Thinking - I need to get some of these boxes in the trailer put up
Hoping - that the weekend is gonna be great
Weather - nice during the day, but a bit chilly at night still
Wondering - all kinds of things about the new house
Wanting - to go shopping
Celebrating - that tomorrow is Friday!!
Friday, April 19, 2013
We Said Goodbye...
To our first house this past week. We've lived here for 7+ years and while I'm a little sad about leaving our home, I'm even more excited about the next chapter in our lives.
While I'm not excited about having more than half of our stuff in storage and still having way to much stuff crammed into our camp trailer (that we are now living in and will be for the next several months), I am very excited to get started on the new house.
One of the last things we did was clean out the fridge and we emptied the ice maker because it was over flowing. David just dumped it on the ground and the next we know Gunner is laying ontop of the ice, trying to eat it. What can I say he had a long day of moving, yeah right! Moving from spot to spot on the floor to try to finish his nap because he had to keep moving him. ha!
The las night in our empty house. We slept on an air matress. Truth be told we had been sleeping on that dang thing for about a week. (see Gunner there on the side) :) Here's to goodbye and hello to the future. Happy Friday! Hope you have a great weekend.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Project Life week 13 & 14
It's been awhile!! With packing and moving things are crazy around here and I am behind on project life. And lets just say that having to decide what has to go in storage and what I can't live without as far as scrapbooking stuff goes is NOT fun at all. But we do what we have to do (read: hurry up new house). I wanted to share weeks 13 and 14 today.

Week 13 was spent packing, finally closing on the house, moving the first load to the storage building, early morning fishing, The Croods (which I loved).
Week 14 was all about Easter, Gunner love, closing on the land (WAHOO!), treats and partying. I'll be glad when this whole move/stuff in storage/building a house goes fast. Hope your week has been great so far. Tomorrow is Friday!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Project Life Week 12
I'm back with week 12 of Project Life today, can't believe that we are already in April. This year will be gone before you know it. I'm sure though with the new house it'll seem like its the longest year ever, until it's over and then I'll be like WTF. hehe. This week didn't have a lot of pictures and I'm ok with that. Sometimes there just isn't anything going on or I don't have to take pictures of it. But I will say that thanks to my phone I get way more pictures than I would otherwise.
We had a group meeting at work on Friday and my super brought donuts and I'm totally going with the Diet Dr. Pepper countering the caloires in the donut. Yeah right, but I'm still rolling it. hehe. Saturday I started the 90 day challange Body by Vi shakes, we'll see how it goes. I'm already a week in and so far so good. I hope I can keep it up.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Happy Easter {a day late}!
But since we had time to kill and couldn't do anything at the house we decided to go for donuts, which if I do say so myself was a great idea. And it was a plus for the two of us to just get to hang out. I love that.
Easter is one of my favorite holidays to celebrate, it is very near and dear to my heart for so many reason, as it should be. Just knowing that Jesus Christ died for my sins and then arose from his grave all so that I could have a place in Heaven one day. I can't even describe what that means to me. For him to have suffered the way he did so that you and I could have everlasting life is something that we will never be able to repay. It truly is a blessing and I hope that you don't let it pass you by.
And yes, because of the rain and weather I wore my Hunters to church. What can I say at least my feet didn't get wet. Happy Easter!
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