Linking up with
Dear Lizzy and her photo challange to take twelve pictures on the 12th. Love her and her blog. She's fantastic and super creative. Nothing special going on around here yesterday, but it was still fun to capture some pictures that I probably wouldn't have otherwise. So here goes...
At the bank. I know I know the pictures is not the best, but I didn't have time to fix the settings and snap another one.
At the pump in my rental car that I get to drive for the week since my husband took over my truck.
Listening to a cd my friend Ros made for me last week. (Thanks, Ros)
Breakfast of champions?!? I think so. Als another reason to LOVE Easter.
Because there is talk of a beach vacation this summer and I am FAR from beach ready.
I usually don't go through the day at work without playing this game at least once.
Our need to be mowed front yard. But with all the rain we got this weekend not sure when it'll get done.
We went over to my brother and sis-in-law's last night to eat and I snapped this picture of our niece.
My brother. He was warned a goofy face gets blogged just like any other (hehe).
When we got home from my brother's house I gave in and did a load of laundry even though I didn't want to. But thougth we might need some clean towels in the morning.
Tax prep. There was a huge mess all over the living room, but this stack was pretty neat so I snapped a quick shot of it.
A break from the tax prep and a quick shot of David and me. Like I said nothing too special going on here. It was still a fun challange and I'm glad I went ahead and did it. Now go check out her blog and the "linky party" thats going on over there. Thanks for stopping by.