Hi and welcome back to, I Want It Wednesday. I'm really glad I started this series. I look forward to deciding what I want to add for the week. And this week is no different. This week (as will be the case in weeks to come I'm sure) is about some new camera gear that I want. I've got a fantastic camera that I've had for a year and a half now and I am still so HAPPY with it. It's the Canon 60D and it was money well spent. If I had to do it over again I would. Love it. But with that said I've only got two lenses to go with this awesome camera, the kit lens and yes, I know most professional photographes will tell you not to get the kit lens when you purchase your camera, but I didn't want to spend the money on a new lens right then. Plus this was my first DSLR camera and I had just invested a small fortune in it and wanted to learn how to use it before I invested another small forturne in a lens or lenses. After a few months of learning how to use and loving my new camera I invested in the 50mm lens and it is a great lens. I would recommend it to anyone. But the time has come for a new lens. And I've got my eye on two. The 24-70mm and the 85mm. I can't really decide which one I'd like first.
Oh decisions decisions. I think I'll take both!!
Hint, hint, David. :) It's hard to believe that it's only been a year and a half that you've had your camera. Seems like longer.