Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I Want It Wednesday

After I dropped the ball last week and didn't post an I Want It Wednsday I knew I couldn't skip this week too, or it would become a habit and I like doing these posts. I like going "shopping" for things that I am on the hunt for and posting them so they are all in one spot and easy to find.

This week I ran across this great camera bag and new that it would make its way into the mix.

 I just love this bag, it's super cute and has a lot of room on the inside. I have my Jo Totes camera bag that I've had for over a year now and still love, but I mean what girl needs only one camera bag right? hehe.  I think camera bags are like purses and you need more than one to spice things up a bit. I have a few other really cute bags I've come across, but I'm saving those for later. While I've been finding all of these really cute and versatile camera bags I've been asking myself where were all of these bags when I was looking last year? But then I decided that it doesn't matter, I've found them now. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Project Life Week 14

Project Life

Sharing another week.

Week 14

Not a lot going on this week. I didn't take a lot of pictures, not sure what that was all about. So the left page is just pictures from when we went hiking plus on Instax pic of photoshop elements 10. Kind of a sad start to the week, but this year I'm not stressing over making sure I have a picture aday, I'm just going with it.

The right hand page is the first time that I used the design E photo pocket. When I first seen that pocket I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to use it, but once I did I really liked it. So I'm sure it will be used a lot throughout the year.

If you've never tried the Pioneer Woman's Texas Sheet Cake recipe you really should. It was very yummy!! I have enough stuff left over that I'll probably make another one and soon. I'll take to remember to take pictures if I do. The rainbow cupcakes I made to take to Bethany's b-day party which was rainbow themed. I'll post picutres of what the inside looks like soon.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Celebrating 90!

Yesterday we celebrated David's grandmother's 90th birthday (her birthday was actually today). I know right, 90! I just hope and pray that if I live that long I look as good and get around as good as she does. She is a great woman and I'm glad that I get to call her family. The celebration was after church and so many people came out to wish her a Happy Birthday. I think she really enjoyed it.

I was asked to make a cake to feed 100+ people and this cake is what I came up with. Nothing over the top, but David's Grandmother and everyone else seemed to really like and that's what counts right? Looking at these pictures though I see that the bottom ribbon wasn't even, but oh well. I took the picture before they had the table done, that's why there is only nuts on there and nothing else.

I just want to say HappyBirthday to her and to everyone else that has a birthday this month.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Project Life Week 13

Project Life
Week 13

Here is week 13. One of the best parts about this week was going to Dallas to Winter Jam 2012. It was amazing. I loved it. I wanted to go to see Skillet. They were the only ones in the line up that I even knew, but by the time it was over I loved all of them. They were all great and the songs were amazing. So glad we went.

Im hoping to be completely caught up (and only posting a week at time) by the end of this week. Have I mentioned I really like doing this project?

Friday, April 13, 2012

New Do

Well after a long debate I finally decided to get my hair cut for the summer. It was well past time to at least get it trimmed up, but I decided to go short. Not super short, but shorter than I've had my hair in a long time and I think I'm gonna like it. I guess we'll see.

Yep, I look pretty rough in the before pic I know. So tell me, what do you think? Does it look ok?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I Want It Wednesday

Product Image

I'm still on a mission for a new pair of rainboots and I love the Hunter rainboots. I love this pink color, but I'm even liking the yellow color.
Product Image
Found both of these on Zappos.  But I wouldn't mind a pair of pretty teal or purple or red or green ones either. Just sayin'.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Project Life Weeks 11 &12

Project Life

I've got weeks 11 & 12 to share today.

Week 11
The highlights from the week: we had my nieces birthday party, I did the daily dozen with Elizabeth Kartchner, and we went on a little road trip to David's brother's house.

Week 12
This week was about the rain and of course the Hunger Games. I read the books what seems like forever ago (Thanks, Bethany) and was very excited about the movie. I thought the movie was great. It was a bit long, but I have no idea what they could have cut from it since so much was already left out. Even though I was not a fan of the second or third books in the series, I can't wait for the movies to hit the big screen.

What's that? I'm getting closer and closer to being caught up? I know!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

He Arose

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone had a great Easter. We did even though it rained all day long. After church we dyed eggs and then did a little hunt in the rain. Easter is one of my favorite holidays, not because of the Easter Bunny or dying and hunting eggs. While those things are fun and all, its knowing that Jesus Chirst died for me and my sins. He died for all of us. It is because of the death, burial, and resurrection of Him that I am able to ask for forgiveness and receive it. That we are all able to ask for forgiveness and receive it so that we will one day have a home in glory. That is what Easter is about and I hope that we don't get lost in all things Easter related that doesn't have anything to do with our Savior and the sacrifice that he gave. He Is Love! I feel that love and I am thankful for that love.

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Sunday Hike

This past weekend I went on a hike with Bethany and Ros. The weather was perfect and getting out was great. This time of year here is the best time to go hiking because once May rolls around it gets
HOT. We picked a trail that I hadn't been on before and I won't go back on this on, it just wasn't all that pretty. I mean the whole reason I went was to get some good pictures and I failed in doing so, but here are a few of my favs from the day.

These two are really good sports when they hang out with me (and my camera). They are always willing to pose while I'm trying to set the camera and its always funny how most of the time they end up doing the same thing and don't even realize it.

I'm not sure if we'll get a change to again before it gets to hot, but if we can swing it I'm in.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Project Life Weeks 9 & 10

Project Life

I'm into the double digits and I'm excited!

Week 9

Week 10

Yes, these were taking outside on the ground.  Weeks 11  & 12 are next!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I Want It Wednesday

The new iPad

I've been wanting an iPad forever. It was on my birthday list and my Christmas list, but I ended up getting something else for both. The fact is I still want one really really really bad, so of course I had to put it on I Want It Wednesday. Gotta make sure the Mr. still knows that I want one. White, 32GB, and a cute cover. That's all I need! I've started my iPad fund which means I'm saving my pennies (and David's too). Here's hoping I'll be coming to you from my new toy in the very near future.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Project Life Week 7 & 8

Project Life

Moving right along and getting caught up on PL. Here are weeks 7 and 8.

Week 7
Week seven was all about Valentines Day and my trip to PA for a mini vacation to see David. I had a lot of fun this week! It's also the first week to have an insert. I put our Valentine's Day cards in a page protector and cut it to size and then sewed it.

Week 8
This week was all back to reality and work and I didn't like. Sure do wish I was on vacation somewhere.

I do see a light at the end of the tunnel! I've also learned that I need to start taking more vertical pictures.