Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Project Life week 23 & 24

Happy hump day! Back again with two weeks of project life to share. This week was David's birthday and I was very excited that he was home and not of working. 

Week 24

Not a lot going on this week, David left early in the week so it was just Gunner and me. 

And the week ended with a baby shower for Jessica. It was a cute shower and she received a lot of cute stuff. I know these pictures aren't to fab, but its all I can manage while still in the trailer. Can't wait to get back to normal in a house that's bigger than thirty-four feet. :) 

Friday, July 26, 2013


Hello Friday. I am ready for the weekend, it's been a long week. Not to mention we are planning a quick getaway this weekend which I'm always on board with. Hope your week was a good and the weekend is better. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Let the dirt work begin

We are finally making some head way with the land and new house, thank goodness. I was beginning to wonder if we were ever going to get started on any of it. But the driveway is in and the place where the house is going to sit has been cleared and leveled so next stop is getting the slab laid. Those guts were out earlier this week, but The spot wasn't quite level so the dirt work guy was back out to fix that and hopefully there won't be any other hold ups on getting started. Can't wait to get the actual house started. I've got so many ideas that I'm hoping we can do with the house. It's all very exciting and stressful at the same time.

People always say if you can make it through the first year of marriage, the seven year itch, or building a house then your marriage will last. So far we've made it through two of the three and are working on the last one. And even though I know we are going to fight and argue and disagree on things about the house, I'm beyond confident that we'll make it through this too. Hope your having a great week so far. It's almost over and I for one am very ready for the weekend. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Project Life week 22


Hope you're having a great weekend. I just wanted to pop in really quick and share week 22 of my project life. This was the week that we were in Florida on vacation. I had made a mini album about our vacation here & here, but I still had  lot of pictures that I wanted to use and project life allowed me to use them.

I love going on vacation or even little weekend getaways. I'm ready for to go again. Now would be great. Hope the rest of your weekend is good.


Monday, July 15, 2013


Currently I am .....

Where - laying in bed trying to go to sleep, but so far no luck and its after midnight here so the next best thing is doing a blog post right? Well I thought so. 

Drinking - Diet Dr. Pepper.

Eating - nothing at the moment.

Reading - The Soulskeepers (not a hundred percent sure if I'm going to like it yet).

Wearing - my pajamas.

Wishing - David was home.

Watching - my fav summer series, Pretty Little Liars, Perception, and Rizzolie and Isles. I love these three shoes and try not to miss an episode. Thank goodness for DVR.

Thinking - about the stuff we still need to decide on for the new house.

Hoping - that we get this house started quick. This trailer is starting to get a little small. 

Weather - HOT!! 

Wondering - if we are EVER going to get this house started 

Wanting - this house to be finished already. 

Celebrating - that I am caught up on project life. 

Did you notice a theme with me currently? Yep, the house. And that's all I've been thinking about. I'm also trying really hard not to stress to much yet seeing as how we haven't even started yet, there's a lot of decisions and choices that we have to make and I wanted to have as much done as possible before we start that way there won't be a hold up because of us. Wish me luck!! Good night, I'm finally off to bed. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Project Life week 20 & 21

How sad is it that I'm in a creative and scrapbooking slump and all I've been doing lately is trying to get caught up on PL? I think it's a little sad, but also what it is. I love doing project life and looking back over the weeks (I always look back over the weeks when I'm working on it). It's funny how in just 20 + weeks the things that I would otherwise forgotten even happened if I wasn't doing this project, not mention the past couple of years I've done. So while it maybe a little sad that I'm not all caught up it also makes me happy! 

This week was all about Mother's Day, PB & J, Gunner being a mess and getting into major trouble for ruining one of my favorite pairs of shoes, to my oldest nephews graduation party prep to the party. 

It was a pretty busy week. 

Week 21

This week started off with my nephew's graduation (when did he get so old?), a massive tornado that destroyed Moore, Okkahoma to prepping for our beach vacation. 

Another busy week. I'm almost caught up with my weeks and that always makes me very happy. I like to try to keep up that way I'm doing it in real time and I'm not trying to remember what happened three weeks ago. But I do keep a calendar with me at all times to write down little notes and important details I want to remember and that's a good thing because I'm horrible at trying to remember stuff. If you'll just hang in there a little bit longer "project life catch up" will be complete! Happy Hump Day. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Project Life week 18 & 19

Another two weeks of project life to share today. Can't believe that this year is already half over, it just amazes me how fast time flies. This week was a very simple week as far as the actual week went and my project life spread. But sometimes I think simple can be the best way to go. 

I went and watched Evil Dead and I was not impressed with. I thought it was a bit much, but I went thinking it was going to be so I wasn't super shocked. I also have never seen the original so I didn't have anything to compare it to. 

This was also the week that Gunner got sick and I had to rush him to the vet and found out that he had Parvo. I was so sad because we weren't sure he was going to make it, but after a five day stay at the vets I got to pick him up and I am happy to say that he has made a full recover (as you'll see in the week). 

Week 19 was another easy and simple week. It was also the week that we celebrated our 8 year anniversary. Still can't believe that we've been married for 8 yrs already. I'm sure if you ask him he'll say that if feels like a lot longer LOL. But I sure do love him. 

I'll be back tomorrow sharing more weeks. Hope you're having a great start to the week. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Birthday America

Happy 4th of July. Today I'm thankful for my those who have served and are serving for my freedom because I know that freedom isn't free. I am glad that I live in America and I am proud to be an American. I hope you all are having a safe and fabulous day. Happy birthday America. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Project Life week 17

I'm baaaaack, with week 17 of project life. I'm so far behind in getting these posted, well I'm behind in my weeks too but only by two. This week was documented parts of living in the trailer, a 34ft trailer to be exact. While its not bad, I am ready to get this house started, but mostly I'm ready to get it FINISHED!!! Hopefully soon. 

Hope your day has been great. Thanks for stopping by.