Monday, November 5, 2012

31 and Pearls

As of today, it's official, I am "in" my thirties.....Hello 31! I can't believe it. It doesn't seem like it's been a whole year since I turned thirty. I'd like to be able to say that a lot has changed in the past year. That I'm where I thought I would be at this age, that I'd be not only older but wiser. Of course none of that is the case. At thirty-one I thought I'd be in a career that I love (or at least didn't hate), that we'd have at least two kiddos and either waiting on the third one to get here or talking about when we should be having that third one. That David and I would actually be spending more time together (he works off) and that everything is how I thought it would be or had planned when I was a teenager. But somtimes God has other plans for us and that seems to be the case with me. I don't know what is in store for me. I don't know if I'll ever get into a career that I love or if we'll ever have one baby let alone the three that I always thought we'd have, or if I'll ever be able to talk David into moving to another state. Don't get me wrong I have a good life, I am happy and healthy and I am married to a wonderful man who would give me the moon and stars if I asked him too. And I am thankful for my/our problems because I know there are people out there who have it way worse than I/we do.  I am also the type that believes everything happens for a reason and there is a reason for me to be right where I am a this moment in my life.

So today I slept in ( I don't like to work on my b-day) got up and got dressed. I had already decided that I wanted to go shopping, shopping always makes me happy and invited my Mom to go with me. While I was getting dressed I decided that 31 calls for being a little more dressy than my plaid and vest so of course I added pearls. hehe

I'm going to embrass thirty-one and see where this year takes me in life. I hope that it holds lots of change, good change and an adventure for us.

Here's to you 31. I can't wait to see what you bring.

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