Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Here's to....

How is it that 2014 is over (or will be in a just a few short hours) and that 2015 is here?!?!?! This year just seemed to have flown by. I've got big plans in 2015!

- lots of family time
- more adventures
- more of doing what makes me happy
- more reading
- getting more organized
- more blogging
- more traveling
- breaking out the camera more (David will love this one)
- hoping 2015 rocks!
and so many other things on my list. I don't do resolutions, because they never make it past the first week so I'm not going to even set myself up to fail there. I've got so many things I want to do and I'm hoping that 2015 will allow for it or at least a good bit of it. Any new years resolutions for you?

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

December Daily Days 13 & 14

Hello Friends and happy Tuesday! I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas, (still can't believe that its over) and that Santa brought you what you asked for. Wanted to share a couple more days in my December Daily to, I was hoping to have album completed and all blogged before the end of the year since I've got like 15 weeks of project life to catch up on. Hopefully I wont be working to far into 2015 on both. HA! We shall see.
Day 13 was all about the festival of lights that we went to while we were on our little weekend getaway. I love Christmas lights, they are just mesmerizing to me. Oh so pretty! We walked around for an hour and I still think we missed some, but next year its on the list to make sure we see it all.

Day 14 was Sunday and the day we headed home. Even though we didn't do anything Christmas related other than try to finish up our shopping which I didn't take any pictures of, I had to document our first trip to The Purple Cow (it'll even be in my PL album). I have been telling David about this little diner and how I wanted to try and what a surprise it was when we were doing our last little bit of shopping that it was right there. So of course it was meant to be!! And it was pretty darn good too. I really wanted to try one of their milkshakes, but just didn't have room for it. But it is now on our list of places to eat to when we go back so I'll make sure to order the milkshake first.
I'm still working away on this album and like I said I hope to be done with it pretty soon. Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December Daily days 9-12

Is it Friday yet????? Boy this week has been crazy and its only Wednesday night and holy crap Christmas is NEXT FREAKING WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Still so much to do and now so little time to do it in. We are doing Christmas at our house this year and I am NO where near ready to have 30 people here for any reason, but I'll get it done. I'm not saying it'll be 100% perfect and done, but it'll all get done. HA!
I wanted to share my next few days in my December daily album. I'm of course behind, but I've been working on it daily so hopefully I'll be able to finish it not long after Christmas is over.  We shall see.
Day 9 is about a gift that was left on my desk at work by the cleaning crew. It was a super cute homemade "Evergreen Wreath" and the letter that I'm holding in the picture is the poem/meaning that was left with it. So sweet of them to do that and it has such a great meaning.
Day 10 is our letters to Santa and yes I had David write his "wishes" out too so I could tuck his in an envelope. His list is way shorter than mine, but ssshhhhh don't tell him that!.
Day 11 is about our new stockings that I bought and then spray painted the letters to hang from them. I wanted to have our names put on the stockings, but then I saw these super cute letters at Hobby Lobby and thought glitter spray paint and rolled with that.
Day 12 is the start of our weekend getaway that did. Now I'm thinking with a million and one things to do maybe we should have stayed home and got some things marked off our list, but we have our priorities and this ranked way up there on our list of need to do and I had a lot of fun.

Good night!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

December Daily days 4-8

Welcome back to my December Daily   I wanted to share the next several days today and I'm hoping to get some more pages done tonight. Day 4 and 5 are both single page spreads. Day 4 included a picture from our Christmas card photo shoot. Yes, we had real milk and cookies and no I didn't save them for Santa, I ate them right after we were done. HA! Day 5 talks about my first round of shopping and how I'm sure I'll be shopping right up to Christmas day.
Day 6 and 7 are once again single page spreads. I'm all about the ease of just doing one page spreads for each day at this point. Not to mention not a whole lot of Christmas stuff happens right at the start of December. On the 6th we headed to Norman to the football game and even though we lost we had a lot of fun, we always do when we go. On day 7 we went over the my mother-in-laws to eat and she wanted to take a few pictures of the family and since we had a willing person to dress like Santa no one could say no. It was late and the we were in the house and the lighting was not great so I turned the picture black and white before I printed it. I did actually print it in color first but then decided I liked the black and white better.
Day 8 talks about my goal of getting our Christmas cards done and mailed out. I also went a head and included our card here. I usually add it to the end of the book, but decided it would go great here. Hope you're having a great weekend and doing all things Christmasy!

Friday, December 5, 2014

December Daily {days 1-3}

Good morning! Wanted to share the first few days of my December daily album today. My plan was to try to post these daily, but by the time I get home from work and work on the album its to late and dark for any good pictures so for now I'll just work on a few days at a time and then post it that way. This is the cover of my album, still can't decide if I want to "decorate" the tree or not so for now I'm leaving it as is.
Found this super cute (free) calendar on pintrest and printed it out to put in the front on my album. I just love this calendar.
Next is my intro page.
And then day 1. I finally got the tree up and Gunner just sat there watched me the whole time I'm guessing trying to figure out what in the world I was doing HA!
Day 2 I didn't really doing anything Christmas-y but I have that super cute mug with the elf on it that was a gift from a friend last year just sitting on the counter so I snapped  photo of it and add "Bring on Christmas" before I printed the photo. I also cut up a 4 3x4 page protector just so I could add in a few more little cards.
And day 3. A friend of mine picked up a copy of Click magazine for me (I've been wanting a copy for a while now and I LOVE it. It will for sure be added to my wish list. Those are the days I've got completed so far. Thanks for stopping by, hope you have a great weekend.