Sometimes things in life happen that we don't understand and never will. We ask over and over why? Why did this happen? Why now? What was so bad that they didn't see another way. These along with thousands of other questions were asked yesterday and will continue to be be asked for a long time to come. Tragedy hit our family yesterday and it's something that we'll never understand. Things could have turned out way different than they did and that would have been worse. I'm not saying that what did happen was good in any way, but I believe that God has a plan and I'm going to leave it at that.
Driving to work this morning it was so foggy and seemed fitting with my mood for the day and life in general right now. I know that life will resume and go on like it always does. I know that my sister and nephews will go on with their lives while trying to deal with all that has been thrown their way. I know that with pray and God, He will see us through it. I know that he never gives you more than you can handle, even though it may seem like it.